A-List Communication joined forces with Crossings TV, CDPH (California Department of Public Health) and UC Davis Health on California’s COVID-19 vaccine efforts.
COVID-19 vaccines became available to teens age 16 and up in April of 2021, and to children ages 12 to 15 in May of 2021. Since then, there had been many questions generated from the parent communities regarding the safety of the vaccines, leading up to the FDA authorization of the COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5 to 11 by the end of October in 2021.
On September 28, 2021, A-List’s Amanda Peeters, as a reporter for Crossings TV, hosted a live Facebook event with Dr. Fan from U.C. Davis Health and Grace Liu from OCA Sacramento in Mandarin for the Chinese community to discuss delta variant, booster shots, and other vaccine related topics such as safety at schools.

This community conversation is a part of California’s “Vaccinate All 58” and “Your Actions Save Lives” public awareness campaigns. As the first doses of the Pfizer vaccines arrived in California in December 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom launched “Vaccinate All 58”, California’s campaign for a safe, fair and equitable vaccine for all 58 counties in the state. In April 2021, California rolled out another campaign “Your Actions Save Lives” which provides Californians with information to do their part to stop the spread of COVID-19.
A second such community conversation ensued on December 21, 2021 in Mandarin on Facebook Live where Amanda Peeters and Grace Liu jointly interviewed Dr. Fan. This conversation focuses on the topic of vaccine and booster for kids between five and eleven years of age.